With a baby in the room, it’s bound to be a good day. Especially if that baby is as sweet and cuddly as little Benjamin.
I love babies at any age, but think four months is a fabulous age for a photo shoot. They’re still little and they stay in one place, but they’ve started discovering the world, and they’re usually fascinated by their fingers and toes. They make eye contact. They smile and laugh, and they reach for bright and shiny objects.
We played and took photos for a while, until he decided that he was hungry, but he packed a bottle away in no time flat and we got right back to shooting. For the bathtime images, we put a yellow rubber duckie just out of his reach on top of a folded white towel and let him go for it. He’s not mobile just yet, but it won’t be long before he’ll be scooting all over the place.
It’s easy to see why this little guy is the apple of his mom’s eye.
Here’s a video with more pictures from our day.
And by the end of our appointment, I felt like I had plenty of photos for mom and dad to choose from, and this totally yummy little guy was DONE.
Athletes are truly amazing. Maybe they’re even a little bit crazy, but I stand in awe of anyone who will even ATTEMPT to swim more than a mile in open waters before hopping onto a bike for a 53 mile ride and then run a half marathon.
That’s what they were doing at the Iron Man 70.3 in Galveston recently. And I got to do what I do best, photograph the event. Once again I was thankful to be in my flat black quasi-athletic sketchers shoes, working at my own respectable pace while, allowing the other folks to enjoy the wind in their hair thanks to their featherweight bikes, super fancy running shoes, and years of arduous training.
There was a time in my life that I could swim pretty dern far, albeit one slow stroke at a time. A bicycle was my primary mode of transportation, and I could rack up the miles with the best of ’em. But running — well, that just never happened. I went through a phase where I thought it would be cool to run — or jog — or whatever they called it for fun and fitness, but never could even get up to a mile before the stitch in my side put me back in the slow plodders lane.
I love to live vicariously through the events I photograph, and I hope that my work can provide memories for participants years down the road. Once I processed the Ironman pictures and delivered them to my client, I didn’t really think about them again — until this week when I got the nicest message from her. She loved the pictures, and I’ll never get tired of hearing that.
The call sent me back into my files to relive the Ironman Triathlon all over again. And I’m not even out of breath. Click here to see the event as it unfolded. I’ve decided I love triathlons. I could definitely do this again.
Boudoir — cool word, but just what is it? boudoir [ˈbuːdwɑː -dwɔː] noun — meaning a woman’s bedroom or private sitting room. It’s derived from the French language and means literally a room for sulking or pouting.
With boudoir photography we create beautiful and sensuous photographs of a woman. The images are sexy, sassy, sultry, seductive, and always classy. They make a perfect gift for the lady to present to the one man in her life — or simply to keep to herself and treasure, knowing that she is indeed as beautiful on the OUTSIDE as she is on the inside. While boudoir is a wonderful gift for a new bride to present to her husband, most of the women I photograph are between 40 and 60 years of age — women who have paid their dues.
Check out this little video compiled of shots from some recent studio sessions. These women are not models, just normal women who have graciously agreed to help showcase some of my work.
So . . . is Boudoir for you? If you’re over 21 years of age the answer is yes. This is not about losing those 10 extra pounds or wishing away some well-earned character lines. We will set up the poses that are most flattering to your body type, and we’ll play on YOUR unique personality. We’ll accentuate your best assets and smooth out the rough edges.
Ladies — it’s your time! You’ve earned it, and it’s all about you.
So — for June 11 -12 I have reserved a sleek and sexy hotel room in West Houston for a boudoir photography marathon. We’ll have floor to ceiling windows for incredible light, hardwood floors and ultra modern super-cool furnishings. Participants get two hours of private photography time with four different outfits. Come alone or bring a friend. Better yet, schedule a consecutive session with a friend for a super- fun shared experience. Available appointments are limited so contact me quickly for more information and to reserve your time.
What better excuse to start shopping for your stilettos and sexy outfits?
No big assignments to report on from this weekend because Mothers Day weekend was all about family. Moms are important, but we also celebrate our grandmothers, aunts, cousins, in-laws and out-laws. We think our men are pretty darn special too.
I thought my niece making kissy faces from the back of the pickup truck was cute enough in its own right, but the fact that her daddy’s face is reflected in the rear-view mirror makes it priceless. Sometimes I enjoy trying out different effects on the same picture and putting them all back into one single composite.
She LOVES her Daddy
You probably haven’t really lived unless you’ve thrown rotten eggs from the back of a pickup truck or stood in a low-water crossing laughing at the BOYS who wouldn’t take off their shoes.
We gals love the feeling of cold water rushing past our ankles, fuzzy green moss between our toes, and laughing until our sides are about to split. Yep — I’m right in there, thanks to my brother who took this picture so I could be in it too.
Cousins — just horsing around on Saturday afternoon. It’s something everyone should do at least once a year.
For those who were at the farm — or those who just wish they were, click this link http://www.spccreative.com/Family-and-Friends/Holiday-Gatherings/Mothers-Day-2010/12134291_qs8tn#862794685_xSb6B to enjoy the rest of the pictures from the weekend.
A seawlall mural portrays the petroleum industry and its importance to the area.
Our Bible Study group was discussing some community service projects last week, and one of the members suggested painting over some graffiti. While his suggestion is certainly worthwhile, and valuable, the photographer sitting in my chair had to bite my tongue to keep from asking where it was and if it was any good.
I’m always looking for colorful and different locations for photo sessions. In our suburban community, we have beautiful homes with manicured lawns, generic parks, and only a minimal amount of that edgy quality that I call urban grit. So, when I find brightly painted graffiti with designs and no dirty words, I want to stop the car and go play. Recently we spent the day in Galveston, and the graffiti was glorious.
Perhaps it’s not the image that the Visitors Bureau wants to promote, but my visit was all the richer thanks to some genuinely talented artists and a few punks armed with cans of spray paint.
I’ve been stalling out on adding my first post to this blog. Larry, my designer put up the first one. Now that I”m working through it, my list of questions for him is getting longer. In any case, I never said the blog would be perfect, only that it would be fun. Layout on this one looks like it will be a little wacky — but we’re going with it anyway.