Monday, May 10, 2010
No big assignments to report on from this weekend because Mothers Day weekend was all about family. Moms are important, but we also celebrate our grandmothers, aunts, cousins, in-laws and out-laws. We think our men are pretty darn special too.
I thought my niece making kissy faces from the back of the pickup truck was cute enough in its own right, but the fact that her daddy’s face is reflected in the rear-view mirror makes it priceless. Sometimes I enjoy trying out different effects on the same picture and putting them all back into one single composite.
You probably haven’t really lived unless you’ve thrown rotten eggs from the back of a pickup truck or stood in a low-water crossing laughing at the BOYS who wouldn’t take off their shoes.
We gals love the feeling of cold water rushing past our ankles, fuzzy green moss between our toes, and laughing until our sides are about to split. Yep — I’m right in there, thanks to my brother who took this picture so I could be in it too.
Cousins — just horsing around on Saturday afternoon. It’s something everyone should do at least once a year.
For those who were at the farm — or those who just wish they were, click this link to enjoy the rest of the pictures from the weekend.