Just a few days ago, while cleaning up my outdoor studio, I met a brand new neighbor.
Actually I didn’t meet her that day, but I liked the way she was decorating her new home, so I decided to come back later to visit.
She must have run to the store for just a minute, because she left one of her kids to answer the door. I said I’d come back later.
Yesterday, I finally got to meet my neighbor.
She’s a pretty little red sparrow . . . the kind with a mask across her eyes.
Appropriately enough, since we met on Mardi Gras and she was wearing a mask and feathers, I named her Mardi.
Mardi now has four eggs in the 7-UP crate that sits on the Front Porch of my studio neighborhood.
We’re not going to disturb her, but will work carefully around her and hopefully we’ll be able to watch for the babies in the days ahead.
I’m so excited!
Although Mardi is terribly camera-shy, I believe the kiddos will be extremely photogenic.
A little bit of research, and I’ve learned that Mardi is absolutely NOT a sparrow. I hope she’ll forgive me for that. She is a WREN. Most likely a Carolina Wren.