I’m getting this post up JUST in time to announce our Seniors LEAP into Spring Break Special. Call before 8:00 pm February 29 to schedule YOUR senior portraits to be shot between now and the end of Spring Break, and we’ll credit your studio session fee toward your final order. JUMP NOW! Get to Leaping! There’s no time to lose! We’ve only got a few openings left, and I plan to fill them all up in NO TIME!
Lauren looked amazing for her senior session which we shot completely on site at my studio. Here’s the album we built with some of her favorite images.
Cute kids, fun times . . . no wonder I love my job so much.
Ruby, Lauren’s apricot poodle made herself right at home. Something tells me she gets the star treatment on a regular basis.
And . . . Here’s the music video of Lauren’s entire session.
But, what’s the old adage about the shoemaker’s children going barefoot?
The plumber’s house having leaky pipes? The baker’s family eating day-old bread?
Well, it’s kind of true in real life too.
Some of you may recognize Michiko. At weddings and at some weekend sessions, she’s my amazing assistant, my right hand, my brain, my partner in crime. When my husband and I travel, she even steps in as my dog-sitter . . . and she’s become a very dear friend too. Unfortunately, her senior session got put to the back burner and never made it to my blog. SO, it’s about time we show these off, don’t you think?
I won’t say how long ago we created these images, but let’s just say that she is now enjoying and thriving in her second semester at The University of Houston.
Sometimes the “outtakes” are just too fun to delete. Adelaide absolute adores Michiko . . . and I think the love probably cuts both ways.
For the “unique item” in her portrait wardrobe, Michi selected a Japanese silk blouse that belonged to her grandmother who passed away not too long ago. Their relationship was super close, and I think Grandmother would very very proud.
We accessorized with a paper parasol and an heirloom fan then headed toward the bamboo wall in my outdoor portrait park.
And as always we made a little video of her proofs. Catchy little tune if you ask me, and more great shots of Michi! Check it out.
The Senior year in high school is filled with traditions and fun. It’s also a time when friends who grew up together shriek with excitement when they open acceptance letters from colleges and universities across the country.
That means everyone is heading off in different directions VERY SOON.
How can we make the fun and games last forever? How can we keep the love and laughter flowing when we all go separate ways?
These Taylor High School Seniors found an answer when they all got together for the super crazy SPCcreative BFF Photo Session.
We laughed and laughed and laughed. What a Fun Afternoon
Yes, the ceiling still has a hot-pink paint stain. Yes, I do plan on doing it again. Who’s in?
And if we put some tunes to everything, it gets even better! Check out our video.