Check out this awesome Senior Portrait Album that I designed not too long ago for Caitlyn, a 2012 graduate of Katy Seven Lakes High School.
You’re going to love her top-model moves and fashion sense every bit as much as I do.
Sometimes my camera just gets happy —
Check out those EYES and that crazy head of BIG TEXAS Hair. What’s for the lens NOT to love?
So here’s a story about the cool things I learn from my seniors. How about those Platform Wedge Shoes? I have to give Caitlyn total credit for convincing me that they were comfortable enough even for me to wear.
Thanks to her, I actually went out and bought myself a pair of orange and teal platforms — and I can REALLY wear them (for a while anyway) without hobbling.
EVERYONE is surprised — and they make me VERY tall.
Of course, I have fallen off them a few times, but I can fall off my flat flip flops without trying.I love my platform shoes so much that I named them afterCaitlyn. If you see me wearing my FUN shoes and say anything to me about them, I will be quick to tell you that they are my “Caitlyns.”
Caitlyn, along with her gorgeous smile and her zest for life, is headed north this fall where she will definitely brighten the campus of Oklahoma State.
Go ahead and say bad things about me if you want to. YES… I’m still behind the curve posting some of my favorite senior portraits for the class of 2012, but just like writing Thank -You Notes, late is WAAAAAAYYYYYYY better than not at all.
And when I think about Erin and her amazing family, I have TONS to say THANK YOU for. You see, when I was just thinking about getting serious about photography, Erin’s mother was the VERY FIRST person to show her faith in me by hiring me to take her older daughter’s senior portraits.
At that time, I was the ever-present mom with a Canon Rebel at every cross country meet that our high school participated in. Yes, I was there to photograph my son, but HECK, his team had about 70 great kids and I shot them ALL…. Over and over and over. Then I got a web-site and sold the action prints for pennies a piece. I think I GROSSED $29. 34 that year. It wasn’t going to replace the day-job. It wasn’t even going to pay for the web site, but it was a start and I was having the time of my life.
I offered to take senior portraits for all the kids graduating that year . . . but Erin and Hollie’s SWEET SWEET SWEET mother was the ONLY one who took me up on the offer.
And I felt GUILTY accepting her check.
We’ve come a very long way since those days. I’ve invested heavily in my love of photography, participating in classes and seminars every chance I get. and upgrading equipment and my studio sets one piece at a time.
To this day, I still learn something new every time I take on a new assignment, and I’m always thinking about what will make the next session better than the last. .
In fact, when I look at the photographs from my first paid session, I wish I could get a do-over — or at least wish I could offer big sister a do-over
— HEY! THinking while i blog is DANGEROUS, but I’m saying PUBLICLY that when Erin’s sister Hollie is in town and has a couple of hours to spare, (Yes she has already graduated from college and has a successful and EXCITING career) we are going to have to get together so we can absolutely ROCK the lens like never before.
But . . . go ahead and say MORE bad things about me. Really. I deserve it. This is NOT about my first shoot with Erin’s sister.
THIS is about ERIN. My BEAUTIFUL RED-HEADED senior/graduate, who will soon be a GORGEOUS Kansas Jay-Hawk.
Did you know I secretly (my heart almost expects them to show up for Christmas dinner) adopt EVERY red-haired girl who comes to my studio.
RED ROX! Don’t you think? — I SURE DO! Especially when they are as lovely as Erin.
Congratulations, Erin on your graduation from Taylor High School. Best of luck to you as you head north this fall. ROCK CHALK!
Well, here’s to an exciting first at SPCcreative Photography.
Hannah is my very first Senior Portrait client to also become one of “MY” brides, and I can hardly WAIT to watch the next chapters of her sweet life unfold.
I still remember her senior session. She brought her ultra-handsome and oh-so lovable new boyfriend, Jake, along for part of the shoot, and we included him in a few of our images. While I could tell they had something very special between them, logic tried hard to convince me that I was just being a sucker for young love.
Who would have thought that Jake really was going to be THE ONE? I guess they both knew a good thing from the get-go.
Hannah and Jake were married in the chapel at The Brookwood Community where, as it turns out, I worked as a development officer for the first three years that we lived in Houston. Brookwood is a beautiful campus with a fascinating mission. It’s located just outside of Brookshire, Texas.
RATZ my link didn’t seem to work, check out for more info.
I love it when a bride has a special idea that she wants incorporate into her session, and Hannah wanted to create a special gift for her father. Ahhhh the sentiment!
You can’t tell here, but we all shared a few tears while she wrote this note on a slate.
Best wishes Hannah and Jake — for a LONG and HAPPY life together.
The blogging curve just flat got ahead of me this spring during the Senior Portrait rush — and now we’re well into the depths of summer.
It was just too hard to justify taking the time to BLOG when I knew I had people waiting on their orders — but enough is enough.
It’s time to crank up the AC and share some of my favorite 2012 Senior Sessions with you.
We’ll start today — here and now with MEREDITH!
We had so much fun during our photo session, and I absolutely could not get enough of those gorgeous sky-blue eyes!
Then, after our session we created a very special Senior Portrait Album with extra copies for her grandmother and aunts.
What a THOUGHTFUL twist — the graduate being the one to give the gifts to people who have loved and supported her .