by Shelly | Aug 27, 2012 | senior gals, senior portraits |
Well… it’s the first day of school for most of the students in Texas, and we’re still playing a little bit of catch-up with seniors from the class of 2012. What’s a better way to celebrate Holly’s first day at Texas Tech than to share some of our favorite images from this session — not so long ago but still back when she was a Senior at Katy Taylor High School.

Rockin those red boots, Holly’s bound to be ready for anything that West Texas has to offer. 

Love these? Click on this link to see all of our proofs from this Holly’s Session in a music video: Holly Thompson – Class of 2012.
Best of luck in Lubbock, Holly. In the days ahead, may you learn new things, make new friends, and create memories to last a lifetime.
by Shelly | Aug 19, 2012 | family, SPCcreative, women |
Not too long ago I got to take part in a VERY clandestine top-secret operation. As my neighbor, Linda, approached a milestone birthday, her husband started planning the most amazing and elaborate surprise birthday party I have ever seen. He flew Linda’s two sisters and their husbands into Houston from across the country and planned an entire week of entertainment, dining out, shopping, baseball games, and BEST of ALL a photography session with me.
Now, I’ve known Linda for about 11 years, and we play Bunco together once a month. That made keeping the party a secret extra hard.
In fact, the secret-keeping became laughable. Since Linda’s husband is retired and spends a great deal of his time in her company, he could phone me, but I couldn’t call him back in case she saw my number or answered the phone. When he came over to drop off his retainer payment, he had to turn left off his own block first and then come back to my street because we’re in a cul-de-sac development and you can’t get out by turning right.
But . . . we were completely successful. Linda didn’t have a clue that anything was up until the car arrived with her two sisters and their husbands. The next morning the guys went golfing or shooting or something and sent the ladies out to shop for clothes that they thought would coordinate in their photographs. On the day of their appointment, the sisters all arrived accompanied by Linda’s soon-to-be new daughter in law whose job it was to keep the ladies from misbehaving. Yeah, Right!

This post may mean a little extra to some of my clients, because many of you (and I do mean many) have accidentally met Linda before. She lives one block west of me at the very same address, and our street names are similar.
Yeah… if you knocked on the wrong door when you were coming to meet with me, you’ll remember her. It’s a good thing she’s a VERY nice lady.

We made a party out of our session, using very simple studio settings. Some of our images were traditional, but we had more than our share of silliness too.

Sisters are a treasured gift, and so are husbands who go to the great lengths that Bruce did to craft a celebration that will not soon be forgotten.
For a fun music-video of the proofs from our session, just , click on this link: Sisters Celebration.

by Shelly | Aug 16, 2012 | senior gals, senior portraits |
Time to share another album that I designed for one of my Taylor High School seniors this spring.
This one is Alyssa’s. She graduated in June from Katy Taylor High School.
Have I told you how much I ADORE “MY” seniors

The first thing I always notice about Alyssa is her mischievous EAR TO EAR grin, which makes me wonder what she’s going to be up to next.

When we put this album together, the one quote that she really wanted to include was her Confirmation verse, Hebrews 13:5, a timelessly wise scripture for anyone stepping out into that big ol’ world of ours.

All of our albums are customized specifically for the individual client, and this one was no different. I guess that makes it DIFFERENT.

Alyssa has served as a trainer for the Taylor High School Athletic Department throughout her entire high school career.
As a sideline photographer for the booster club, I had several game-time images of her in action. When she asked if we could incorporate a few of those photographs into her album as well, I thought that was a BRILLIANT idea. These are my own images, so neither of us had to track down another photographer to secure copyright use licensing. That made it very easy for me to say YES to her request
— and isn’t YES the answer we all want to hear?

Alyssa is headed to Sam Houston State University this fall where she plans to major in education and become a math teacher for junior-high and high school students. 

Best of Luck to you, Alyssa. Keep on smiling sweet girl. You’re off to a great start, and you are destined to do great things and to touch countless lives. I just know it.

And here’s a video with all of Alyssa’s session proofs:
Alyssa — Class of 2012.
by Shelly | Aug 8, 2012 | senior gals, senior portraits |
Before starting this post, I am going to berate myself publicly for being such a LOUSY LOUSY blogger. I love my clients and my sessions and can hardly wait to share my images here, but when it comes time to sit down and make it happen, the phone rings or the dog needs to go chase a squirrel or — oh look . . . SHINY! If I promise here in front of God and everybody to try to catch up on some of my very favorite sessions and to stay on top of things, do you think it will make me become a better blogger in the long run? All the motivational people say that writing your goals and being held publicly accountable works, so I’m going to give it a try.
WET NOODLE LASHING is now officially OVER! Now, meet ALLIE!

The minute Allie walked into my studio this spring for her Senior Portrait Session, I knew we were going to be in for a genuine treat.
Not only is she drop-dead gorgeous, she is sweet, funny, confident, and humble. What a great mix! On top of that, she brought some really cute clothes.

One of my favorite parts of working with Allie and her mom was getting to also meet her grandmother. THERE is a character deluxe!
First impression, “What a sweet and adorable woman,” but within five minutes I wondered if I could keep up with her straight-talking wit and wisdom. I wouldn’t mind being like her someday.

Grandma along with Mom kept me laughing, and to top it off she provided the list of quotes that we used in this album.
I like to add carefully-selected wording to my albums, and believe that these coming from Grandma will make them even more special over the years ahead.

Dontcha just LOVE the boot with bling?

Those EYES! WOW!

Allie is heading very soon to Blinn College where I just KNOW good times and amazing experiences await.
Best of Luck. Study Hard, and when it’s time to play, PLAY! – Never mind, I think you already know that. 
Want to see more? Click this link to enjoy a little video with all of Allie’s session proofs: Allie Bellow – Class of 2012.