by Shelly | Dec 30, 2012 | senior gals, senior portraits |
It’s nearly the end of 2012 and now that the holiday craziness is settling down, I’ve started cleaning up my desk and sorting out some files.
While I’m going to be the first to admit that I’m a delinquent blogger, you’ll probably wonder like I do how I could have POSSIBLY missed a chance to blog this beautiful senior from… YES… I’m SO EMBARRASSED to have missed it… the class of 2012.
By now, Rachel has already finished her first semester at my own Alma Mater, The University of Texas, and is probably getting ready to go back. In any case, here’s a look back at a super sweet and oh-so cute Seven Lakes graduate from nearly a year ago.
For What it’s Worth… My New Years Resolutions include taking the time to attend to details like BLOGGING MY SESSIONS so that you don’t miss any of my favorite images like these in the coming year.

by Shelly | Dec 27, 2012 | senior gals, senior portraits |
Okay… so yesterday I shared a post with images from a portrait session that we did with Ashley.
What you didn’t get to see was how we built a custom album for her.
Sometimes — oh, okay, nearly always, a session produces more images than you can feasibly hang on the wall, and it’s oh so hard to make a decision.
Fortunately, with our gorgeous professionally-produced hard-cover books, you don’t have to decide! Just pick your favorites and we’ll do the rest.
If there are meaningful quotes that are important to you — as Ashley did — we can include those too.
Pithy quotes, Bible verses, song lyrics, or even just a private joke that makes you smile. Every book is individually customized.
So… Here’s Ashley’s album! I hope she enjoys it for years to come… as for you?… Enjoy today!

by Shelly | Dec 26, 2012 | family, senior gals, senior portraits, women |
Ashley, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, porcelain-skinned beauty, graduated last spring from Taylor High School. Her senior year was so incredibly full that the senior portrait session before graduation just didn’t happen. Next next thing we knew she was off to a summer studying in Paris — and NOW she’s living the dream as a Freshman at New York University. Just because we missed the traditional pre-graduation time frame, it ABSOLUTELY DID NOT mean that she and her family would have to go without some gorgeous portraits to commemorate this eventful year in her life.

Because of weather issues, we shot the entire session indoors at my studio. I tucked my own canine studio mascots, Addie and Lucy, safely into their kennels with pillows and chew sticks so that Bluebell, the adorable Shi Tzu, could feel right at home.

To top off our session, Ashley’s parents, Steve and Angela joined into the action for a few extra images.
Christmas cards? Check! Heirloom Wall Portrait? Check! Gifts for grandparents and a touch of home for the dorm? Check!

I had Sooooo much fun photographing Ashley and creating some gorgeous wall portraits and albums for her and for her family. Yeah… I really do love what I do!

by Shelly | Dec 12, 2012 | event |
Well, the delinquent blogger is going to try to get back on track! There’s lots of good stuff coming if I can just sit down long enough to make it happen. Anyone want to take bets?
Celebrations are always a TON of fun, and I was so excited to recently cover a special birthday party for my dear sweet friend, Janice Havins Hamric.

I’ve been out and about in Katy with Janice, a few times, and the truth is she knows EVERYBODY! Because of her involvement in KISD and her church, I don’t think this lady can walk into any place in town without running into several people who are always thrilled to see her.
I believe that if she had her choice, the party would have filled the entire Merrell Center, but instead, she settled for playing hostess to her family and a few close friends at one of her favorite hangouts, Hasta La Pasta.
Her dad, Bill, along with musician/humorist Doc Blakely entertained ROYALLY with down-home jovial music. I could have listened to them all day long.

Even Janice’s boss boldly braved the highly female throngs to come wish her a very happy next decade.

These are just a few of Janice’s life-long friends. I would have loved to be privilege to some of their youthful antics…
and while we were at it, I had to pop into a pic with a few of my own besties… just to prove that I was there.

Happy Happy Birthday Janice… Here’s to another SEVERAL fabulous decades. You are LOVED by many!