by Shelly | Dec 18, 2013 | dance, senior gals, senior portraits |
Elizabeth is a Senior! Oh my goodness, time flies!

I’ll never forget the first time I met this young beauty. It was Halloween and she was just a little toot dressed up like a Houston Texans Football player. Her big brother, Alex, was maybe a 6th or 7th grader, and he was her cheerleader. If I could tell one thing about her and her family that night, it was that this little girl was CHERISHED — and rightfully so.
Several years passed, and eventually in 2010, Alex became one of my early senior portrait clients, so I was beyond excited to learn that THIS is Elizabeth’s year.

Did we ever have FUN in the studio!

Some girls are just born GORGEOUS, and this one certainly was but a little magic by my favorite makeup artist, Rachael Elise Walker never hurt anyone.
I am so thrilled that Rachael will provide hair and makeup for a number of my clients this year. Her skills with hair, airbrush foundation, color cosmetics, and LASHES bring out the best in any woman.
Did I mention the Lashes? OH MY STARS — I LOVE the EYE-LASHES that Rachael brings into the studio for our clients. Maybe someday if I ‘m really nice, I can talk her into a lash application lesson for yours truly. Wouldn’t THAT be a blast?

Elizabeth studies at Houston’s renowned High School for the Visual and Performing Arts where she specializes in ballet.
And it shows. She is so very graceful, slipping into any pose we throw at her. Doesn’t matter whether she’s wearing toe shoes or cowboy boot. 

Elizabeth’s already received a couple of college admissions letters, but last I heard she was still waiting on the one she really wants — so we won’t name after-graduation plans here just yet.
Wherever you go, sweet girl, I know you will SOAR! Congratulations on a fabulous senior year.

by Shelly | Dec 13, 2013 | event |
As a Native Texan, I have heard all my life about Quinceaneras, but I’ve never had an opportunity to be involved in one — until recently.
For the uninitiated and the gueros like myself, a Quinceanera is an extremely special 15th birthday party for a young Latina. Celebrations vary, but they typically include a Celebration Mass at church followed by a public presentation and a great big party.
One thing I learned is that Quinceanera portraits are just about as “TOP SECRET” as bridal portraits. They may not be revealed until after the big day when our young woman is presented in her gorgeous dress. and the official formal portrait is unveiled. I thought that would be a problem because Mabel is one muchacha bonita! I could hardly wait to share her portraits. . . .

But alas — I am so behind in my blogging that it wasn’t an issue at all.
So here she is. And all I can say is ISN’T SHE LOVELY? QUE BONITO!
Bonito? Bonita? DANG, I wish I had learned Spanish! Muy LINDO,
Miss Mabel, you are a beautiful and extremely sweet young lady — in ANY language. I wish you the best. The world is YOURS!

by Shelly | Jun 25, 2013 | business, event |
In a world not so long ago and not far away at all, this photographer lived a somewhat different life from the one she lives today. Rather than telling stories in pictures, I was a storyteller for several medical and nonprofit organizations. The world of public relations was a wonderful ride for a while until my geeky love for color and images sent me spinning off into another professional direction. Still, I love love love catching up with old friends every year at the Public Relations Society of America Houston Excalibur Awards Gala.
I’ve been photographing the Excalibur Awards every year except one since 2008, and this year, co-chairs, Meredith Phillips and Jessica Manning, put together a team that absolutely outdid themselves. To see more images and details of the evening, head on over to the event gallery on my web site.

Oh, those PR folks! They’ve gotta keep us on our toes. As happens often in Houston, the evening started with a lively happy hour and silent auction benefiting the Public Relations Foundation of Houston, but a few special guests from the Texas Renaissance Festival provided an added twist of magic.

More images here! These are the people who make things happen in Houston.

And after dinner, some of Houston’s finest storytellers received the recognition of their respected colleagues.
Among them this year:
Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, Gallery Furniture — Communicator of the Year.
Ben Wheatley, ABC, APR — Legacy Award
Debra Ward Buks, APR, Ward Creative Communications and Eni Petroleum — Grand Excalibur Award.
For additional images and more award winners, just click here.

Congratulations to each and every Excalibur Award winner. Well done and happily ever after … until it’s time to start over and do it again.
by Shelly | Jun 21, 2013 | SPCcreative, special project |
Every once in a blue moon I allow myself a little time to just play.
It’s fun.
I don’t do it often, but I should.
Every time I do, I learn something new or at least put into practice something that I already know but need to play with so that it comes more naturally. Occasionally I think it’s just so cool that want to share it.
In honor of the first day of summer, I’d like to introduce you to a cheery little friend of mine.

This volunteer is a squash plant named Shipley.
How did he get a name like Shipley?
Easy, I was looking for”S” names (since he was a squash) and there it was. Shipley … from the Sheep Meadow. That was the best fit I could find for a volunteer that got his start in the compost pile.
Compost . . . Sheep manure… In the long run, it’s all the same S_ _ _ _ STUFF! Count the blanks. STUFF

Shipley doesn’t live in the compost pile anymore. He must’ve been no more than a sprout when he hitched a ride with Arvin the Avocado earlier in the spring. They room together in a big pot on the patio where Arvin is growing tall and straight while Shipley just drinks up Arvin’s water while he wanders around dropping blossoms on the ground.
Anyway, the play portion of my day involved making daytime look like night. Can you believe it? If you want me to, I’ll teach you how to do it too.
It was hotter ‘n blazes and full sun out when I shot these images , so I didn’t last too long — besides I had other work to do. I’ve toyed with the idea of adding some how-to lessons to my blog, and this might be a good place to start. If there are a few people who would like a step by step tutorial on how to do this, I want to hear it. ASK and you SHALL RECEIVE in a future blog post.
Let me hear from you.

by Shelly | Jun 9, 2013 | business, women |
Stephanie needed a headshot for her company newsletter and to update her Linked-In page, so here she is. Dang-it she is beautiful!