This is something relatively new to my studio…
I have found an amazing makeup artist, Rachael Elise Walker of Elise Artistry. She is absolutely DA BOMB! I don’t care if we’re working with our high school seniors or with women who have attained a certain um…. er… level of wisdom and maturity. She can make a lady shine… and simply adjust the lights and capture her magic.
So… I tell all my girlfriends that they should take the time to have portraits created NOW while they are in their (insert decade here) and not wait until they are the age their mothers currently are. Hey what the heck! If they are fortunate enough to still have their mothers around, I think they should bring their mothers in for a very special session together …. but …. I digress.
Here’s what Rachael did for my friend and neighbor, Linda.
If you are already a client of mine, chances are that you’ve met Linda. She lives at my address but one street over. For some reason an uncanny number of overexhuberant GPS systems tell people to turn before my block and… there they are… at Linda’s door. If you haven’t met her that way, you still might recognize her from a session I did with her and her sisters nearly a year ago when she was celebrating a particularly important milestone birthday.
My goal is to show a woman at her very best. Nothing crazy or pretentious — unless she wants to be crazy and pretentious — then all bets are off. But, Linda’s got it going on… don’tcha think? AND she’s not afraid to let it shine.
How about you? Are you up for a little bit of studio magic to create a special heirloom treasure for your family? You’ll love it, and so will the people who love you the most …. and they are plenty.