I knew it would happen before TOO TERRIBLY LONG and Oh My Goodness was it fun. One of my first seniors grew up, became a mommy, and brought her sweet baby girl back to my studio for portraits.
Not only did Kayla become a parent. FIRST she became a US Marine, got married, moved all over the world and finally back to The States, but not anywhere near The State of Texas. So — we had to finagle some creative schedule arranging to accommodate her maternity-leave and trip back to visit her family and take baby on a grand tour to meet the relatives. I was so glad that Nana was able to make that all happen. You can tell she’s only just a tiny bit in love with her little princess.
Baby was about 6 weeks old when she came to visit. That’s a little bit older and bigger than most babies are when they come in for their newborn sessions. Older babies are more awake and alert, which allows us to see their gorgeous eyes, but they have also had time to develop their own preferences, so if baby is not interested in a snuggly, squishy, curled-up newborn pose, it just ain’t gonna happen.
We held our own, but she did too — so together we came up with some yummy sweet 6-week images.
And I couldn’t resist a little bit of a trip down memory lane to find mommy’s senior portraits from 2008. It seems like just yesterday and then at the same time it seems like a lifetime too.
Notice a little streak of independent spunk in mommy? Well…. I’m thinking that baby may have inherited her share of that too. She’s going to bring lots of joy and laughter to her family and I am so glad that I got to photograph her. She’s PERFECT! Absolutely PERFECT.