Every once in a blue moon I allow myself a little time to just play.
It’s fun.
I don’t do it often, but I should.
Every time I do, I learn something new or at least put into practice something that I already know but need to play with so that it comes more naturally. Occasionally I think it’s just so cool that want to share it.
In honor of the first day of summer, I’d like to introduce you to a cheery little friend of mine.
This volunteer is a squash plant named Shipley.
How did he get a name like Shipley?
Easy, I was looking for”S” names (since he was a squash) and there it was. Shipley … from the Sheep Meadow. That was the best fit I could find for a volunteer that got his start in the compost pile.
Compost . . . Sheep manure… In the long run, it’s all the same S_ _ _ _ STUFF! Count the blanks. STUFF
Shipley doesn’t live in the compost pile anymore. He must’ve been no more than a sprout when he hitched a ride with Arvin the Avocado earlier in the spring. They room together in a big pot on the patio where Arvin is growing tall and straight while Shipley just drinks up Arvin’s water while he wanders around dropping blossoms on the ground.
Anyway, the play portion of my day involved making daytime look like night. Can you believe it? If you want me to, I’ll teach you how to do it too.
It was hotter ‘n blazes and full sun out when I shot these images , so I didn’t last too long — besides I had other work to do. I’ve toyed with the idea of adding some how-to lessons to my blog, and this might be a good place to start. If there are a few people who would like a step by step tutorial on how to do this, I want to hear it. ASK and you SHALL RECEIVE in a future blog post.
Let me hear from you.