by Shelly | Jan 28, 2014 | event, senior portraits |
What a night of fashion fun and entertainment!
Last night I covered the Be Dazzled Fashion Extravaganza at Taylor High School, where the Bold and the Beautiful Mustangs Strutted their Style.

This Eighth Annual Fashion Extravaganza is one of several fund raisers benefiting Project Grad. Check out our evening here, and then pop on over to the Fashion Extravaganza page on to check out all the pictures of the evening and select your favorites.
CALL before the end of January to set up your Senior Portraits, and receive a $50 credit toward your final order. We can shoot later, after it warms up a bit if you like, we just need to know you’re going to need a spot on the calendar.

We started our evening with a delightful selection of formal and prom wear.

Elegance is always fashionable, but it’s much more fun to throw in a little mischief and shenanigans. These kids were not at a loss for some silliness and snickers.

Most run of the mill style shows might follow their formal wear with a casual or cruisewear segment, but not in Katy-Gosh-Dern-Houston-Texas.
Nothing but Rodeo Wear will do. And FINE Rodeo Wear at that!
‘ Texas National Outfitters provided most of the clothes in this segment. Is it okay to call boots cute? Theirs are the BOMB! I’ll have to go try me on a pair or two very very soon!
A gal can’t have too many boots …. can she?

In all reality, Texas has two seasons — Not Football Season and Football Season.
Since each of these kids are about to graduate from high school, they’re eagerly looking forward to the excitement of GAME DAY on their respective new campuses.

Again, don’t miss out on our Fashion Extravaganza Senior Portrait Special — It won’t happen again and the calendar days are FLYING BY!
Here’s another link to check out and order all the pictures from the Extravaganza. Enjoy!
by Shelly | Jan 21, 2014 | family, kids, special project, women |
“How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it.
How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it.
How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live ’em.
How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give ’em.” — Shel Silverstein

Kathe and Shelly have been best friends just about forever. And talk about coincidence, they grew up in my old hometown of Midland, Texas but I never knew either of them until Kathe moved to Houston. We met in Bible Study and bonded over our Midland roots and Kathe’s wonderfully wise and witty take on life in general.
These two amazing ladies take the time to get together several times a year, despite the eight hours of Texas Highway stretching between their homes — AND they’ve created a tradition of celebrating their daughters’ tenth birthdays BIG TIME. So, when Shelly’s youngest girls who happen to be twins were turning 10, Kathe decided that a spa day followed by a special portrait session would be a great way to cap off their week in Houston.

What a special time in life. K & K are definitely not little girls anymore, but they’re not quite teens yet either. The lingering sweet innocence of childhood still fills their souls, but if you look deep into those eyes you’ll see the gentle unfolding of strong and wise young women.
We focused most of our session on the birthday girls, but would have been amiss if we didn’t capture this precious sweet relationship that weaves its way through two generations
— mothers, daughters, sisters, friends.
Oh what a treasure! I’m so glad that I got to be a part of their celebration.

by Shelly | Jan 15, 2014 | baby |
This little Texas Peach was less than two weeks old when she came into my studio and stole my heart. Oh my! Don’t you just want to squeeze her and kiss her to pieces? I certainly do!
<3 <3 <3

If her pretty mommy looks familiar to you, you might have met her here at the studio. Rachael heads up Elise Artistry and is my go-to makeup artist for senior portraits and pretty-lady sessions.
Her sweet calm demeanor is a great counter to my off the wall wackiness, and we complement each other so well! I love working with her, and so do my clients.
She brings out the “beautiful” in everyone she touches. No doubt about that!

This little Gerber Baby mouth makes me swoon.

Baby E is now already about 8 months old, so I suppose if the delinquent blogger sitting at my desk would wait just a TAD longer to blog this newborn session I could have combined it with her one year cake smash — but it’s more fun to spread out the joy. I can hardly wait to see her back here again.