For some high school seniors, the year is so hectic and crazy that they get all the way through the year and past graduation without ever slowing down enough to complete a senior portrait session. Keenan was one of those busy kids, so we took his portraits in the summer AFTER graduation — and that is absolutely okay.
After all, the images we created represent him at this particular stage in life — and when you’re looking at heirloom photography that will last a lifetime, what difference is just a few months?
Still, to avoid that crazy rush at the end of the year, it’s a very good idea to go ahead and schedule portraits NOW so that you’ll be ready to play by the time Senior-Itis kicks in.
Of course any senior fortunate enough to drive an shiny red BMW like this one would want to include it in his portraits, so we shot his entire session at a local park rather than in the studio.
Keenan is a musician who was a member of the Taylor High School Band, but he really excelled and was happiest playing his guitar alone and with the THS Jazz Band!
Of course, I asked him to play for me just a bit while I photographed him. I always do that , and the TALENT kids have never ceases to amaze me.
I talked to his mom just the other day, and learned that he is already moved in and settled in his dorm at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. That’s just up the road and on the other side of Table Mountain from the neighborhood where I lived with my boys many lifetimes ago.
I know that if he ever gets a chance to look up from his books, he will love the laid-back Rocky Mountain Lifestyle that Colorado has to offer. I have a feeling that several ski outings are already on his agenda.
Happy Trails to you Keenan! Enjoy your time in college and study hard. You are very smart, and you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. YEP — YOU’VE GOT THIS!
Hi Shelly! I just wanted to say that I really admire your work! Nice to see some young men wanting senior photos! Keep up the great work.
Irma F.
Thank you, Irma. I LOVE working with senior guys. Usually they come in as a favor to their moms, but by the time they leave they ALWAYS admit that they had a pretty great time and they are genuinely happy with the end results. What more can you ask for?