Senior Portraits for Ashton – Katy Houston Photographer

Where in the world do I begin today?  I don’t EVEN  know where to start — so I’m just uploading Ashton’s senior portraits to this blog machine, and we will see how they land…

Be sure you linger here a little while today and get to know this brilliant beauty.  You’ll be amazed. 2016-06-13_0024

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Ashton is a 2016 graduate of Cinco Ranch High School here in Katy.  She’s been active in track and field — and she’s got the ribbons and medals to show for it.



But there’s definitely a “pretty” side to her as well.  We loved playing around with her track shoes and her heels to show these different facets of her style and personality.


Oh, and did we tell you she’s smart.  Like . . . ummm. . . very smart.  She graduated with Distinguished Honors and is heading to Howard University in Washington, D.C. where she will study Biology/Pre-Med.

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Senior Portraits for Trey – Katy Houston Photographer

Photographing senior guys is one of my favorite things ever.

This is Trey. I’ve been looking forward to working with him for the last two years — ever since photographing his older brother.


Trey graduated this spring from James E. Taylor High School in Katy, and he played percussion in the JETBand.

He gets from one place to another in this glorious red BMW.  I absolutely love it when my seniors plan their sessions to include special items like vehicles and musical instruments.


That red Beamer will be right at home this fall at The University of Houston where official campus colors are red and white.  That’s where Trey will be studying Electrical Engineering.


Face it.  It’s not unusual for guys to be less enthusiastic about their portraits than their parents are. After all, they have places to go and things to do.  Still, they participate because they know how much it means to mom and dad.

At the end of the day, though, they always say that it was not as bad as they thought it could be, and they’ll even admit that they had a pretty good time.

If you know an incoming senior guy who is not totally enthusiastic about creating his senior portraits but who knows that it is an important milestone, bring him to my studio.

I promise NO CHEESY SAPPY STUFF.  Just a fun hour or two and a book full of fantastic personality-driven images to enjoy for years to come.

Congratulations on your graduation, Trey.  Thank you for keeping SPCcreative Photography Senior Portraits as your family graduation tradition.

Senior Portraits for Miles – Katy Houston Photographer

 I’m feeling a little bit verklempt as I post Miles’ senior portraits to share with you.

He is the third and final senior that I get to photograph for the Travis Family, and I”m going to miss them.

 “sniff sniff”


I got to know their mom through the band at Taylor High school, and it  all started when she trusted me to photograph her oldest son, Cole back in 2011.

We must’ve done something right because she came back again with sister, Shana in 2014.

Because I know that people have a choice when selecting a senior photographer, I never take a returning family for granted.  In fact, I CELEBRATE them.

History aside, THIS is Miles’ year.

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Three guesses where he’s heading to school this fall.  Ain’t Texas.

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Senior Portraits for Allison – Katy Houston Photographer

Oh, Allison!  Your Senior portriats are ….. well . . . I have no words.  Just enjoy them in all their gorgeousness!

Hair and makeup in studio by Cynthia Velderrain. 


Sweet… Gorgeous … Smart … Shy  . . .  Lovely girl.  What a great senior year this has been!


Allison is a 2016 graduate of Faith West Academy where she served as class president and head cheerleader.

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Allison with her softly sophisticated style is heading to Texas A&M this fall where she has been accepted to the Business Honors Program.


We had a great time together in our studio. I’m so glad I got to work with her.

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Senior Portraits for Colby – Katy Houston Photographer

 The high school letterman — a lasting and iconic  symbol of teenage accomplishment.

Go to any city, and find the kids in letter jackets.  They are the movers and shakers. They are our future leaders.

Stands to reason that the letter jacket should become an important part of a senior’s portrait session.  It certainly was for Colby, Class of 2016.
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Colby just graduated from Katy cinco Ranch High School where he lettered in football. He also enjoys playing club rugby.


Colby is heading to Baylor this fall to continue his studis.

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I see a bright future in those piercing brown eyes.  Congratulations on your high school graduation, Colby.


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