The Amazing Energy Wizard – Katy Houston Branding Photographer

Keveney Evanne is one of those people who just draws you in with a feeling of calm confidence all  wrapped up with a big,  bold,  energetic twist.

 And after spending some time with her, I left feeling refreshed and confident.  Now, if THAT wasn’t backwards!  After all, as a photographer I consider a large part of my job to be putting my client at ease and making HER feel comfortable enough to bare her soul for my lens.  In this case, it’s almost as if the energy was reversed.

That really comes as no surprise, though, because Keveney IS The Energy Wizard. and I was delighted to work with her as she re-branded her personal coaching business,


 Now, I’ll be the first to admit that  in talking with her to plan her photography session, I was a little bit — okay,  a good bit —  out of my element.  After all, I’m just a small town gal  from Midland-Gosh-Dern-Texas who never was even  exposed to concepts like chakras, auric cleansing, or universal law.   The theories always intrigued me but I truly knew nothing of them.

Please don’t laugh, but  my first though was, “How do we illustrate Keveney’s work without  falling into Harry Potter meets Fairy Godmother?”

Ha! It wasn’t hard at all.


Keveney’s brand is solid and grounded because she works with high-level professionals who don’t mess around. Still, she is serenely uplifting. She uses a palette of deep rich plum and violet along with natural elements, calmexpressions peppered with joyful invitation.


She helps people like lawyers, engineers, doctors, professional coaches — and even their pets– break free from the the illusions of what society says their life should be. Together they align their goals and actions with  their intuition,  otherwise known as their “gut.”



Keveney  describes herself as a free spirit who had achieved a wildly successful life  with a thriving legal career, beautiful home, loving husband, two great dogs, and more. Still she  became disenchanted, so she started to wander.

She didn’t just  aimlessly amble around until she found something palatable. She set aside her  legal practice and took on adventures  that could conceivably become another “Eat, Pray, Love” genre novel.    She practiced yoga in Costa Rica. She cooked alongside  award-winning Native American chefs and built a sweat lodge with shamans in New Mexico.   She studied with a world renowned animal communicator at a horse rescue in the Texas Panhandle.  She learned about ancient healing and energetic technologies… And she played on the beaches of California.

Now settled back in Houston, she puts all that she has learned together to help others move past their history to a different and fulfilling mindset.

I loved working with her — and have learned so much just by hanging out with her for a while. It will be fun to watch her prosper along with her clients.

Visit her new website to learn more.








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