Kelly and Andrew – My First Beloved Couple
A couple of months ago when I attended the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) convention in Las Vegas, I attended the most heart-string-pulling class ever. The instructor, Jesh deRox, is a hotshot young Canadian photographer with vision, passion, and a dream. This dream is to give photographers a tool that raises the art of photography to an entirely new level.
The Beloved concept for photography allows a couple — whether they are newly engaged or married for 50 years — to reach inside their souls and genuinely express the love they share. Imagine — if your grandparents had left you a trunk full of their most intimate love letters, wouldn’t that be a very special treasure? Well, this is a comparable legacy that we can create in the 21st century for our descendants.
When I explained Beloved to Kelly and Andrew, they were not only open to experimenting with me, they seemed downright excited about trying something new. They arrived at our chosen location , and Kelly got out of the car wearing this adorable hot pink strapless sundress with . . . COWBOY BOOTS! At that very moment I knew that our session would be a huge success. She is just too too cute.
Andrew had selected a beautiful open grassy field with trees, wildflowers and MOSQUITOS! I’m so glad that I threw a can of Off into the picnic basket that I had picked up earlier in the day to use as a prop. Once we had ourselves properly sprayed, we plopped a quilt onto the ground to use as home base, and I explained that I wanted them to think of our time together not as a photo shoot, but rather as a celebration of their love. I just happened to have the privilege of being present with my camera.
We spent about two hours playing silly games, imagining different scenarios, remembering, and dreaming. At one point I even sat down in a fire ant bed. That’s something I think I’ll try to avoid next time.
On any given day, Andrew fixes things, builds things, and refurbishes or remodels homes for people. Kelly heals people who have been injured. They both have a huge heart for Christ and for each other, and they plan to take their dreams and their skills into the mission fields of Africa where they will live and work and love and share.
These two are absolutely beautiful . . . they are totally beloved . . . and their lives will bring blessings to many. I just feel it.
I am my Beloved’s and He is mine. His banner over me is love. — Song of Solomon 6:3